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Mewie the Tabby Befriends Nandi an Orphaned Rhino

Nandi, the baby rhino, was found all alone only 2 months after she was born. Poachers having killed her mom, the tough little rhino girl somehow managed to survive on her own. But the question is for how much longer Nandi would be around had she not been found by the caretaker Jamie Taylor. Rescuers have taken her to the Rhino Orphanage where she was fed and soon after introduced to Mewie the cat.
Even if the two animals greatly differed in size, small tabby didn't seem to mind. Especially since they've discovered that they both enjoyed taking long walks out in the open. And this is what they now often do together, even though Mewie, walking on much shorter legs, tends to get tired and has to be carried back. Once the tabby and baby rhino return to their home, you'll see them drink water from the same pot and then lie close to one another to take a well-deserved nap.
It might be a while until Nandi becomes strong enough to be let back into the wild. But until that day comes, she's sure to have a friend around. The two buddies are well looked after in South African Rhino Orphanage, supported by the Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation.