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Top Coronavirus Protection Tips & Online Casino Games for Fun!

We all know the best protection against Covid-19 is to stay at home and play online casino games. That’s all good and well, but when the pantry is laid bare and the fridge all but empty – apart from a few jars of ouma’s konfyt and aunty Mary’s bad tasting homemade Piccalilli – it’s time to take action.
Online casino games may be exciting, entertaining and seriously fun, but you can’t eat slots, slow cook roulette or braise blackjack to a delicate brown. What you can do is hop into the car and navigate the hauntingly empty streets to your nearest food retailer… and here is when our top Covid-19 protection tips start coming into play.
Before we get into the dos and don’ts of shopping during the protracted pause, bear in mind that when you do head for the mall, you won’t be replenishing the cellar or the bar fridge. The blanket ban on alcohol over the 21 days of lockdown means you have to go cold turkey or make do with the Corona beer virus instead!
How can you protect yourself against a raging pandemic? Well, first off, you need to pretty much adopt an obsessive handwashing routine, with each round lasting to the tune of not one, but two ‘Happy Birthdays to You’ songs. Keep your social distance, don’t touch your face… and for heaven’s sake, do not share that last cigarette!
All that is basically common sense when it comes to avoiding the beer coronavirus – but here are few tips that you may not necessarily have thought of or adopted as smart anti-Covid-19 behaviour.
Don’t Bite Your Nails
We have all heard the ‘no touching’ mantra… but has anyone mentioned that biting your nails could land you in ICU?
The problem is that we are all so stressed out – what with businesses closing, kids driving us stir crazy and the spectre of the Grim Reaper taking top spot in our dreams – who wouldn’t search for respite in the sustained gnawing of the cuticles?
Well… don’t. Pathogens, bacteria and viruses may be lethal, but they are really tiny too. That means they can cement themselves in the creases around the knuckles and hide away under the finger nails waiting for the appropriate time to invade the soft tissue and infect you. Better yet, keep your nails short, and along with washing your hands, remember to scrub your nails!
Sanitise... Everything!
We also suggest you pop a bottle of hand sanitiser into your handbag. As the virus can live on hard surfaces for hours and even days, it is a good idea to sanitise your hands frequently when you are out and about – but resist the urge to take a swig, as 60% ABV can have a serious kick!
With the sanitiser close at hand, you can wipe down the handle of the shopping trolley, the credit card machine and the credit card, after use. That way you’ll stay sanitised and disinfected until you are safe at home with RTG online casino games swivelling around on your PC, tablet or phone! Please do remember to sanitise your phone too as it is probably the most touched thing, after your face!
How to Avoid Contaminating Food
It is reasonably common knowledge that the coronavirus can be transmitted through food packaging and those dreadful environmentally damaging plastic carrier bags. That means you have to be extra vigilant about the kind of groceries you buy and how you transfer them from the shop to your pantry or fridge.
Although it may seem mind-numbingly obvious, make sure that you never buy anything that is not properly covered – be it homemade samoosas, coriander encrusted biltong or salad vegetables that have been sliced and diced for your convenience.
In fact, avoid buying premade salads and prepared vegetables entirely. Yup, we know how much you love the convenience factor, but is a premade Caesar, Cobb or Greek salad or a salad Caprese or Niçoise worth the risk? Now is a good time to buy the whole food ingredients and freshen up on your cuisine skills!
According to the scientists and virologists out there, a high heat of around 56 degrees Celsius and above can actually help kill covid-19. That means it is best practice to buy food you can cook, so if you really want to be safe, cut out the cold cuts and salad for a while.
How to Safely Unpack your Groceries
Right, you are done with the shopping and on your way home… to play online casino games at Springbok Casino, of course. Before you can even load the games onto your desktop or phone, we urge you to unpack the shopping bags in the garage or stoep and place the contents on the floor.
Sanitise your hands and grab a few clean containers from the kitchen. Empty the packets containing the foodstuffs directly into the containers. Leave all the packaging in the garage or stoep for at least three to four days before discarding it into the recycling bin.
Take the containers filled with food into the kitchen and pop the fruit and vegetables into a sink full of warm water and white wine vinegar. Drain and dry the fruit and veg before putting it away in the fridge.
Place chicken pieces and other meat into Ziplock bags or sealable plastic containers and freeze. Store flour, sugar, coffee and tea in specially allocated storage bins. That way your food simply cannot be contaminated by the ‘beer virus’, aka SARS-CoV-2!
Quick Protection Tips Against the Coronavirus
- Avoid transacting in cash
- Use hand sanitiser immediately after using an ATM
- Wipe down the car handles and boot opener with sanitiser on your return
- Take your own hessian bags to the shops
- Disinfect all hard surfaces on a daily basis
- Stay at home
Sign Up and Get Through the Lockdown with Springbok Online Casino Games
Now that you know how to keep you and your family safe during the coronavirus crisis, it is time to get down to the fun stuff! At Springbok Casino we not only offer a huge selection of online casino games, we’ve got a promotions page packed with match bonuses, no deposit bonuses, cashback bonuses and more.
That means you can register an account, redeem a bonus coupon code and play real money online casino games with funds derived from the house. Now if that isn’t enough to get you crowing with delight, maybe the lifting of lockdown restrictions will do the trick.
In the meantime, stay at home and play the best online casino games right here and right now… and crow all you want!