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Inspirational Waste Recycling Stories for a Better World

How can you invest your online gamble real money winnings in a better world? By coming up with smart waste recycling ideas. In the meantime, here are a few feel-good stories to inspire you to recycle and reuse whatever you can…. and give the environment the break it so richly deserves!
People Polluting the World
Our planet has become a human waste dump site. Whether it is single use plastic choking the life out of turtles and terns or chewing gum getting stuck to the soles of our shoes, the stuff we discard is polluting the natural world. What do the conscionable among us do? Create smart start-ups capable of recycling, repurposing and reusing our constantly accumulating detritus.
Share Online Gamble Real Money Winnings with a Start-Up in Need
At Springbok Casino we can’t profess to be squeaky clean but we can put our weight behind a cause dear to our hearts. So, listen up and learn from the angels that populate our messy universe and think seriously about donating a slice of your online gamble real money returns. There is always someone somewhere who knows how to transform plastic bottles and disposable nappies into retail bling-bling!
It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or how careful you are with your day to day consumption, there is always a mountain of waste to pick through at the end of the day – wrappings, packaging, bottles and butts. If we keep on as we are, our landfills will overflow and spew toxic pollutants into our already scarce resources – rivers, dams and arable land.
Innovative Solutions by the Pollution Police
Who are the clever folks tackling the issue of waste head-on? Here are a few innovative solutions by the pollution police who deserve a sound pat on the back – and a fixed percentage of your online gamble real money winnings generated right here at Springbok Casino.
Cardboard Bicycles
What do you do with old cardboard boxes that have degraded and collapsed? Turn them into low cost bicycles of course. That is the idea in any event and one that appears to be working a treat. What is really remarkable is the fact that the pulp-based two wheelers can handle heavyweight riders weighing up to 200 kg.
What is more, the finished products – that cost just $12 to manufacture – can handle heat, humidly and a serious downpour… and that means they won’t collapse in a heap in a storm!
Chewing Gumshoes
Boxes into bikes is pretty innovative but how about converting discarded chewing gum into gumboots? Sound too far-fetched? Well it is not. In fact, the company responsible for processing used Chappies, Wicks and Wrigley’s gum into a compound called GumTek has diversified its product range.
You can now purchase cell phone covers, guitar picks and rulers to go with the rubberised, perfectly pink soles on their best-selling gumshoes! Just think how much more you could do with your online gamble real money payouts if you reused your chewing gum rather than discarding it on the street or sticking it under the office chair!
Compost and Playground Equipment Derived from Cigarette Butts
Gum into gumshoes is super cool but what can we do about the cigarette butts that litter our highways, beaches and streets? In the United States of America that is no longer a problem. Cigarette waste is collected in bespoke bins or shipped by eco conscious consumers to a centralised recycling hub.
The organic stuff like tobacco, ash and paper is reused as composting material. The plastic wrappers and tobacco pouches are shredded, melted and moulded into hard plastic pallets, outdoor furniture and playground equipment. Anyone for a cauliflower sustained on a cigarette diet? Sounds perfectly palatable to me!
The next time you sneak out of Springbok Casino for a smoke break – and cut your online gamble real money session in two – remember to snap the filter off the cigarette butt and stub the remains into the veggie patch! Who knows? There may be a very large pumpkin, pepper or pimento when harvest time comes around!
Fashion Gear Produced from Plastic and Cotton Scraps
Even the fashionista are cottoning on to the power of producing upcycled clothing and apparel. Plastic bottles are being crushed and processed into polymer pellets that are blended with cotton scavenged from discarded factory scraps. The resultant yarn is then woven into a fabric which is cut, sewn and trimmed into something spectacular to wear.
The long-term objective is to create circular fashion that is used and re-used in perpetuity. Who would have thought a plastic coke bottle could be re-imaged as chenille?
Solid Waste into ‘Rocket’ Fuel
Now how about taking old car tyres, plastic waste and biomass – wood residue, municipal solid waste and hazardous waste from hospitals – and transforming it into hydrogen power? That is what a UK-based company is doing through a small-scale gasification process that can be used on-site.
The collected waste is shredded and fed into a thermal conversion chamber that operates at temperatures of around 1,000 degrees Celsius. The terrific heat basically vaporises the waste and turns it into a synthetic gas called EcoSynthesis gas.
Low Cost Low Emission Hydrogen Power
The gas can be used as-is as an alternative to fossil fuel derived products used to power cars, trucks and aircraft. Alternatively, hydrogen can be extracted from the gas which, in turn, can be used to produce clean, low cost electricity. All that from the stuff we traditionally toss into the dustbin, incinerator or dump!
The Best of the Rest
There are start-ups producing edible straws and tableware from seaweed and innovative Africans who are building bicycle frames exclusively from bamboo. Carpet fibres are being broken down into polypropylene pellets with are purified, transformed into clear resin and re-imaged as car bumpers.
What is the end goal of all these awesome endeavours? To develop a closed loop system where plastic never ever becomes waste – and the massive problem it still poses to the environment to this day!
Sign Up for an Awesome Online Gamble Real Money Experience
Springbok Casino may not be a start-up but we do recycle our sizzling hot slots, video pokers and table games over and over again. That of course means you can get the best online gamble real money experience on-demand.
Why not sign up and claim our welcome bonus? Who knows? You may be in line for a substantial cash win… or you may have to do with a few rand instead!