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Is Flash Falcon the Precursor of Fusion-Propelled Air Travel?

Flash Falcon is a fusion-propelled futuristic concept plane. It can travel at three times the speed of sound – which is undeniably quicker than the spinning slots at our online slots real money South Africa casino. When this jet hits the runway, London to New York in less than three hours is a distinct possibility!
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Let’s get back to the supersonic, double-decker passenger plane that runs on clean and green energy derived from the stars…
Vital Statistics of the Flash Falcon Concept Plane
How does this super jet differ from the Concorde? Most notably, it is the size and scale of this aircraft-in-waiting that is truly mindboggling. In fact, it is nearly twice the size of the Concorde – the last supersonic jet to take to the skies.
According to the design, the Flash Falcon is around 102 metres long. That is the approximate length of a rugby field. Its fuselage clocks in at just under 8 metres. The wingspan is a full 46 metres from tip to tip… or precisely 27 males, of average height, lying head to toe!
To mitigate the effects of the sonic boom, Flash Falcon has a long needle-like nose cone. This is one component the Concorde never had, and what contributed to its forced retirement. The explosive noise of the shockwaves caused by the boom was a serious hinderance to those on the ground.
How does the plane’s design lessen the massive ‘thunder claps’ created when it breaks the sound barrier? It keeps the shock waves generated by the sonic boom from merging together in the air. The result is a soft ‘whump’ rather than an ear shattering bang when the separated shock waves reach the ground.
As for the capacity of the Flash Falcon, here is a quick fact. The plane is the equivalent length of eight and a half double decker London buses. It can comfortably seat 250 passengers. Most notably, there is absolutely no issue with leg or elbow room!
To reach speeds of Mach 3, there has to be plenty of grunt under the ‘hood’. Well, the Flash Falcon has oodles of that. Along with six combustion jet engines, there is a rocket-like thruster powered by its own compact fusion reactor!
That brings us to the main attraction… the nuclear fusion energy that propels the beast. What is fusion, and how does it create the energy to drive the plane forward at such electrifying speeds?
The Thermonuclear Fusion Reaction Powered Plane
Fusion energy is a source of energy based on a thermonuclear fusion reaction. At this point in time, it only happens in the sun, other stars and, to a nominal extent, in laboratories right here on earth. It occurs when two light nuclei coalesce to form one heavier nucleus.
It is the process itself that releases energy. That is precisely what scientists around the world are trying to emulate in a controlled environment. To date, only 59 megajoules of energy has been produced over five seconds. That is 11 megawatts of energy, and not nearly enough to power up a plane!
Why the quest for fusion energy? It is a long-term power source that does not produce carbon emissions or long-life radioactive waste. Fill a bakkie with fusion fuel and it has the equivalent power of 10 million barrels of oil or two million tons of coal! Now do you see the potential?
Launch Date to be Determined by Advances in Technology
Do you want to cross the skies at a travel speed of around 3,700 kph? Is a massive plane that has the capabilities of vertical take-offs and landings on your vacation radar? Well, that era of air travel could be just around the corner!
Depending on technological advances – relating to the harnessing of fusion energy in particular – the Flash Falcon may be landing on an airstrip near you in the next few decades, or sooner! It is, after all, already predicted that nuclear fusion is the future of infinite energy.
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