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Enjoy a Few Funnies About Gambling at Springbok Casino!

South Africans love a lekker lag. In a beautiful country that has its fair share of challenges, a go-to way for Saffers to deal with it is to make jokes. Give it seconds after momentous national news breaks and social media will be flooded with hilarious memes.
We always keep things above board here at Springbok Casino and we don’t shoot below the belt, but for the sake of putting a smile on your face, we’ve dug up a few gambling jokes! Some are puns, others are one-liners and then there’s a solid joke or two.
If you choose to continue reading the funnies here at Springbok Casino Online, know that you need to have thick skin. We can be an abrasive bunch with dark and sometimes distasteful humour. If a few of these make you cry – sign up and grab our Springbok Casino no deposit bonus in lieu of a hanky!
First, a Few Icebreakers – Yes, We Make Fun of Ourselves Too!
If you’re a South African playing at Springbok Casino, we know you’ll ‘get it’ and share a huge collective belly laugh. If you're new, grab our Springbok Casino no deposit bonus and enjoy! Full disclosure, we did borrow these from other website, and we give full credit to whomever and wherever they originated from!
- “Have you ever wondered the reason why South Africans laugh more than once when a joke is told? Well, it is because the first laugh comes after they hear the joke, the second after the joke has been explained to them and the third laugh comes after they have understood the joke.”
Alright, alright. That’s taking a good stab at our intellect. Thank goodness for our humour! Here’s our comeback. We live in a country with 11 official languages where most South African citizens are at the very least fully bilingual, with it being common to speak three or more languages too.
Yet did you know that a national US census concluded that only 8.3% of Americans speak English “very well”. In fact, most States speak English “less than very well”, falling under the 0.3% category. How does an English-speaking country only speak 0.3% English? That blows our minds. Either way, put that in your Captain Black and smoke it!
- “The difference between the South African football team and a tea bag is that the tea bag stays in the cup.”
We know how much our patrons love their sport, and the Springboks are one of the most feared teams in rugby in the world. Luckily, we’re a funny bunch and we know this will give you a lekker laugh – especially since the Springboks brought the cup home three times! Who can match that?
- “You can deny that you are from South Africa until you are heard calling traffic lights robots and putting man at the end of every word that comes out of your mouth.”
Yes, this is one we in fact can’t deny… That said, there are some of us who know better that refer to traffic lights as, uhm, traffic lights. Besides, navigating your way to a Springbok casino mobile login involves no traffic lights, so who cares! As for the ‘man’, we don’t use the word ‘man’ at the end of every sentence, man.
Get Ready for Some Gambling Jokes – Hand-Picked by Springbok Casino!
Grab a tissue as this will either make you cry from laughter, or cry because you’re a delicate little flower – in which case, you’re probably not South African! In no particular order, here are a few cracking jokes at Springbok Casino Online. Again, thank you to the internet!
- People say gambling can ruin lives, but it brought our family closer. We now live in a one-bedroom unit.
- Marriage is like a deck of cards: all you need at first is two hearts and a diamond – but in the end, you wish you had a club and a spade.
- I got asked to leave the casino the other night. They said I had a chip on my shoulder.
- What did the dealer say to the deck of cards? I can’t deal with you anymore.
- My wife has left me because I am a compulsive gambler. I’d do anything to win her back.
- Your best chance to get a straight flush in a casino is in the bathroom.
- There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one.
- The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.
Remember, these are all jokes and it’s not all necessarily true. Most of our players who start out with our Springbok casino no deposit bonus walk away with a tidy profit. These jokes are a generalisation of the industry and come on, they’re funny, man.
Okay, you’ve made it this far and we assume you’re still in one piece. If you’re reading this via our Springbok casino mobile login and you’re South African – proceed. If you’re playing at Springbok Casino Online or your mobile from another country, toughen up as things are about to get dark… Funny, but dark!
- I tried to warn him about playing Russian roulette, but it went in one ear and came out the other.
- Russian roulette may be the easiest game on Earth. Not a single person alive has ever lost at it.
- Russian roulette: 5 out of 6 people recommend.
- My friend loves playing Roulette, so I figured I would introduce him to Russian roulette. It blew his mind.
We warned you things would get dark! Yet hey, now that we’ve taught you a few good one-liners here at Springbok Casino, you can put them in your ‘grap kas’ and gooi them at your next braai! We guarantee they’ll land well and score you a few social points.
What about Chuck Norris? No list would be complete without a Chuck Norris joke in the mix:
- Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker using Pokémon cards.
It’s so extremely bad, it’s almost good. We said almost...
Springbok Casino is Committed to Responsible Gambling
Right. Now, alle grappies op ‘n stokkie! Take a moment and let’s switch the tone. After all, we’re not only here to share jokes! If you ever feel like you might not be in control of your gambling habits, we urge you to reach out to us via the Springbok Casino mobile login, or online.
As for joking about gambling addictions, it is actually a great way to raise awareness and to help uplift those who are struggling. Laughter tends to be the best medicine to see people through tough times. At Springbok Casino Online, we support responsible gambling 100%. We offer self-exclusion and daily/monthly deposit limits and a direct link to the National Gambling Program on our site.
The Springbok Casino customer support team is available 24/7 and they’re a friendly bunch, always ready to assist in any way! We want our casino to be a place where you can have fun without any stress. Drop us an email or select the live chat option or schedule a call under the “Support” tab and we’ll phone you back!