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South African Online Casino Pays Tribute to Death-Defying Daredevils

November 1, 2022, Johannesburg, South Africa (Press Release) – Most reasonable people would avoid high risk behaviour in favour of staying alive, but some people just love the thrill of daring the devil. South Africa’s Springbok Casino has published a feature on some unbelievable Daredevils and Their Death-Defying Deeds.
On 29 October 2020, Sebastian Steudtner surfed the biggest wave ever surfed – a 26.2m Nazaré wave in Portugal.
Explorer and businessman Victor Vescovo descended nearly 11 kilometres into the Pacific Ocean at the southern end of the Mariana Trench to make the deepest dive ever.
Strongman Manjit Singh broke a world record at Battersea Park in 2012 by pulling a double-decker bus 21.2 metres with his hair.
In 2012, Felix Baumgartner made a skydive from the edge of space jumping 38,969 meters, making his the highest skydive ever!
Evil Knievel’s son Robbie was the first person to jump the Grand Canyon on a rocket-propelled motorbike.
In October 1829, Sam Patch, known as the Yankee Leaper, was the first person to survive jumping over Niagara Falls, with no protective or flotation devices to boot.
Springbok’s Daredevils and Their Death-Defying Deeds feature is available at: https://www.springbokcasino.co.za/daredevils.
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