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Springbok Casino Celebrates Valentines with Stories of Inspiring Animal Courting Rituals – and a Free Spins Bonus

February 01, 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa (Press Release) – With Valentine’s Day around the corner, lovers everywhere will be engaging in all kinds of weird and wonderful courting rituals. From romantic Lovebirds to flirtatious Seahorses, the animal kingdom is full of examples of animals that are just as romantic as we are, in their own way. Springbok Casino manager Daniel van Wyck has compiled stories about unusual animal courtships to inspire the Casanova in all of us.
“Elephants may not be the first animals that come to mind when you think of romance,” said the manager of South Africa’s most popular online casino. “But when these gentle animals use their trunks to caress their mates they purr like giant kittens.”
“Blue Cranes, the national bird of South Africa, are terrific dancers when courting,” added van Wyck, an avid bird watcher and confirmed animal lover. “Males stretch their wings, pump their heads, bow, fling objects in the air and leap around.”
Van Wyck’s stories of animal romance are published on the casino’s website: https://www.springbokcasino.co.za/lovebirds
Penguins give stones rather than flowers and candy when courting the ladies.
With Topi antelopes, it’s the female who fights for the male of her dreams and if she finds him with another she’ll likely barge in and interrupt.
Relentlessly trailing a female might be considered stalking in the human world, but it seems to work well enough for the Leopard Tortoise.
Instead of taking a girl out to dinner and buying her flowers, male porcupine will stand on his hind legs and soak the female using forceful urine sprays.
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Available until February 29, 2018
Springbok Casino has hundreds of online casino games from Realtime Gaming. They’re all played in Rands and customer service is available in either English or Afrikaans. The most popular games are available for smartphones and tablets in the mobile casino and via the free Android App. Springbok was the first South African online casino to give South African players the option of making deposits and withdrawals in Bitcoins.